Online Booking Systems South Africa

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Why online booking systems in South Africa or any other country matter…

In today’s digitally enhanced world, business as we know it has changed. People are between booking appointments the old traditional way, using “the book” and the new way “the digital calendar”.

If your business is still using “the book” method to run your schedule, you are potentially starting to lose clients to competitors utilising the latest technology and this article explains why…

We live in an era where everyone carries a digital calendar in their pocket aka smartphone, so why not utilise it? Not just so your business is more organised, but also to have your clients be more organised, helping them keeping your business top of mind.

We found that business owners desperately need a platform that can sync with their business schedule, as well as the calendar of their customers.

We realised that there currently is no such a platform available to the market and exactly why Simplified Bookings came alive.

There are a few free booking platforms available in the market, the problem with those is; it’s a 1 size fits all type of solution. Every industry is different and therefore you need a robust solution catering to what it is that make your business unique and stand out from the fierce competition.

In the past, a client will have to call up the business, ask to speak to someone to make a booking, get transferred twice, possibly hung up on a few times. Eventually establish a connection to an admin personnel of that business or secretary will jot down a name, phone number and time corresponding to a date in a diary and the booking would be all set.

This method worked great, but also leave a lot of room for error, the biggest problem: It creates a relatively large amount of No shows each month and a whole bunch of other headaches that can easily be overcome by utilising the latest technology.

It’s so easy to forget appointments these days as we are bombarded with constant distractions. Everywhere we go, something will distract us guaranteed! Unless we have set a reminder to remember something important happening in the future, chances are – we are going to forget about it.

What’s the alternative to the above?

With Simplified Bookings, a client does not have to call up the business anymore.

Did you know that as much as 80% of people prefer to place their bookings online during 2019?

Now customers can simply navigate to the business’s professional looking booking page, choose an available time slot then select the product or service they wish to book, enter their details and voila, the appointment is booked. In some cases, a business owner might even reward upfront / online payments with a 5% discount incentive. Customers can choose between paying before they receive the service, straight on the booking page or in the store after they received the service.

But it doesn’t stop there. Simplified Bookings have a lot of moving parts, moving seamlessly in the background to a; simplify the booking process on behalf of the business’s clients b; simplify the schedule of the business making the business more efficient while acting more professionally and to c; reduce the dreaded no-show count in your business…

With Simplified’s triple redundenc technology, it makes it nearly impossible to forget about an appointment.

Here is how that works:

  1. Once a booking was placed, an email confirmation will be sent to both the business as well as the client who placed that booking – confirming the booking and letting them know that they’re all set for the booking, time and date they selected.
  2. A SMS notification also gets sent out to the mobile phone of the person who made the booking so it’s easy to access at a later time
  3. Probably the most important part of Simplified Bookings, the platform will create a calendar entry for you. That’s right, no one has the time to set up tedious calendar entries all day long, we live in a technologically advanced world where we expect technology to do things for us. ~ A client will then also receive calendar notifications from their device, prior to an upcoming appointment.

The whole idea behind creating the platform was to simplify the booking process. Have a system that does it all for you on autopilot and Simplified Bookings do exactly that.

Simplified bookings also have a backend system which business owners can access to have access to vital data at a glance.

The backend will provide business owners with a dashboard view, filled with handy statistics such as, how many customers on the system, how many bookings were placed over a specific date range, change service options, create add on’s or additional upsells. Have quick access to all unpaid invoices at a glance, current bookings, live bookings, past bookings, cancellations and much more.

A business owner can even integrate live chat onto the booking page, managed by an in-store clerk or admin employee.

simplified booking basic Functions

A client can also request a date change or a cancellation. The business owner can then choose whether to grant that change or cancellation.

simplified bookings - Adding a category

Refunds are now just the click of one button away and much more.

The business owner can also customise the look and feel of their business page and make it 100% customised and tailored to their own business.

This makes Simplified bookings the prefered booking platform within the marketplace.

Set up a meeting with one of our consultants today and learn how we can get your business plugged into the digital era today.

Contact support at and we will be in touch shortly.

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